Friday, April 1, 2011

Interview with TheOffer By Melissa Aldawoodi

I asked them these 7 questions:
1. what inspired you to play music?
2. how has music changed your life?
3. what bands do you listen to and how have they shaped your music?
4. what advice do you have for others that want to pursue in music as their career?
5. where did you get the idea for the name of your band?
6. what do you want your fans to know about you that they might not know already?
7. what is racing your mind before you go on stage?
This is how they responded:

1.I grew up a Metal fan so watching great guitarist like Zakk Wylde and Dimebag Darrell influenced me to pick one up myself. The Beatles are also a huge influence.

2. Music has been my life, and that goes for all of us in The Offer, since I was really young. So I guess it didn't change my life, it took it over haha.

3. We like a wide variety of music but we are all fans of bands like He is Legend, Everytime I Die, The Used...some of those influences shine through from time to time.

4. GO FOR IT! If its your dream, chase it. If you wanted to be a doctor or lawyer people wouldn't look at you crazy right?!? Just because your dream is music doesn't mean its a bad one.

5. We wanted something short and sweet, The Offer did it for us! And we feel like we are offering something new to the scene, or at least something that has been missing. A ROCK band!

6. The Offer loves you! Haha, we love our fans and love to meet and speak with them. If you see us, come talk :)

7. "Don't suck, don't suck, don't suck!" Haha not really, shows are the fun part! We are usually just racing around with excitement.

I want to thank the band TheOffer for letting me interview them through Facebook. It has been a pleasure and I recommend all of you music lovers to check out their music on Facebook and Youtube.